First...OMG what the crap?! They voted out Constantine on American Idol! Huuuuuge shocker! Not that I really liked him, but Scott totally deserved to get kicked out first. He also should have left before Nadia and Anwar, IMHO, but they didn't ask me. :p (And no, I don't spend money calling in to vote, so I shouldn't complain.) ;) Everyone from the USA Today to my family said that Scott sucked and had to go, but Constantine? I figured he'd outlast Scott, Anthony and possibly Vonzell. I've been rooting for Anthony because he's cute as can be, and I've liked him since the original tour tryouts, but I don't think he's the best singer in the competition. So...yeah. Major upset.
*insert sheepish comment about how I never thought I would care $00.02 about any sort of reality show ever*
*deep breath*
In other news, the point of this entry...the new Harry Potter art! ^_^
I finally succumbed and drew some fangirly self-insertion HP art. I couldn't think of a plausible scenario in which Snape and I would cross paths, plus I like him more in an "absolutely fascinating character" way, instead of a "whoa, momma, teh sexxy!1" sort of way. So I used and abused the other HP face that gets my fangirly senses tingling, one Tom Riddle Junior. Bwahahaha! Plus I work with zillions of books all day long so it made some sense.
My mom says this looks a lot like me, although I'm not quite this svelte (anymore) and I can't draw hands. Other than that, it's a reasonable facimile. ;) I do actually own this outfit IRL, but the skirt turned out sort of bleh and not too realistic. Oh well, if you haven't seen the real thing you won't be able to tell the difference.
So, without further ado...the art! One last note...while the bright green background is a bit gaudy it was far, far better than re-drawing that @#*$& bookcase three more times. o_0 Deal with it. >_< Heehee...
P.S. My cold isn't gone by any means, and I have the feeling this stupid cough will linger for a great while, but I do feel better today. Not quite so warmed-over-death, anyway.