I was sooooo careful to back up everything I could possibly think of before I reformatted the upstairs computer. So of course I forgot something. All my fonts. >_< *slaps forehead*
Thank God (and Google) for
*huggles PalaceScript MT, Chinese Takeaway, et al*
Make an image of your hard drive.
As you notice things missing (like your fonts), plug in the image and copy over the files.
The nice thing is that you can do a delta check if you ever wanted to see what's different now (nice for text files and HTML files).
No need to bother explaining, though. I'm normally quite good about backing stuff up. This was just a brain fart. >_<;
1. I meant that if you made a complete copy of the hard drive onto another drive (aka image-like a photo of your hard drive).
2. I assume you know this part too well. By "plug in the image" I meant to attach the drive with the image to your computer and copy files from there (beats downloading from the Internet!)
3. "delta check" = Use a program to see any differences in your files. I doubt if you have such a program unless you're a programmer so you can safely ignore this last line.
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