
Dec 31, 2004 00:50

1. Very interesting post about Snape, Lily, James, and other HP stuff. It's partly based on one of those "OMG, this random person posting on the Internet is actually JKR!!!" frenzies, but regardless of the source the points raised are interesting.

2. Mom and I rented The Princess Diaries 1 & 2 and watched them both this evening. We'd seen #1 back in 2001 but it was cool to watch it again, and then watch the sequel. Cheesy, rosy-tinted Disney fluff, yes, but very enjoyable fluff. Sooooo many pretty clothes, jewelry, palaces, etc.
And the sequel had Gimli in it! Er, well, Mr. Rhys-Davies wasn't in dwarf-mode, but he was still in it. LOL!
Most of all, though, are the overwhelming vibes connecting Queen Clarice/Joseph's relationship to Empress Vazali/Bronzar's relationship, and Clarice and Mia to Vazali and Delzeena. Darn those Hollywood types, always stealing my ideas. ;D Not that there are any original ideas left in the world, mind you... I just got to quiver and squee at some of the awesome lines the characters delivered that could totally have been lifted from my novel. XD And all the sunglasses-and-suit-wearing-dour-faced-security-guard jokes, which are always a big favorite with me.

Hey, it's not like being a sunglasses-and-suit-wearing-dour-faced-security-guard is a bad thing!

Tee hee...

Okay, I really really really need to get to bed now. I have to be in to work at 9:15 tomorrow morning. That's the earliest I've had to get up in months. >_<



harry potter - discussion and theories, heritage in the stars, reviews - movies or tv

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