Dec 02, 2004 11:44
I just got a Blue Scorchstone for 198,100 NP! Some guy yesterday insisted on 250,000 NP! W00T!!!
I decided that I needed one to keep battling in this stoopid war ;) and the price difference between the Red one that heals 20 HP per battle and the Blue that heals 30 was around 100k, but since Fuzzbelle2 is at 43 HP I really needed the extra boost. So...I invested in this doohickey.
Yesterday I looked in trades for one, but most of them belonged to people who hadn't logged in for 12 days. >_< I made four increasingly generous offers on one that belonged to a guy who was currently online, but he rejected them each time. I Neomailed him to ask how much he wanted, and he said 250k. So I bit the bullet and offered that much (plus a token Pale Elixir that's worth like 30 NP, but you have to offer at least one actual item along with your NP.) I waited over 40 minutes, but no reply. I Neomailed him again, saying I didn't want to bug him but that I had to go to bed very soon (it was almost 1 AM!) o_0 and was he going to accept or not? He replied, "I'll decide tomorrow evening." ARG! Don't tell me you'll sell it for 250k and then play games with me. Just take the damn NP or not, don't string me along. :p So I responded, "If I haven't found a better deal by then I'll look you up." So this morning I browsed auctions...and did! So there! Nyah!