Good news x 2

Sep 16, 2004 21:05

Good news #1: The Sims 2 was released today, and my dad got me a copy! Best Dad ever! XD I just got it installed--took forever--and I have to go wash my hair before I allow myself to get sucked into playing it! :D

Good news #2: My cousin Adam and his wife Angie had their baby! It's a girl, Morgan Dawn. 7 lb, 2 oz, and 19 inches long. She was born in a small hospital nearest her parents' house but had to be moved to a larger hospital with a real neonatal unit. She's okay, but at first she had some irregular heart beats and problems getting her temperature stabilized. Now that she's at the better hospital, though, she's stabilized and should be fine. Phew!
She has two half-sisters, Kimmy and Leah.
This is Aunt Rosie's third grandchild.

*warm fuzzies*

In other news, Benny the fish is doing well. He's very cute, still quite active but not so hyper as he was yesterday. Mom accidentally scared him by putting something down hard on the countertop next to the tank. After swimming around like crazy for a few seconds and cowering behind a plant for awhile he recovered his dignity. ;)

I was really, really busy at work today. Almost didn't have time to take my break! o_0 It was sort of fun, though. Everyone at work was glad to hear I got a new fish, too. ^_^

work, mundane rl stuff, games - the sims, fish - goldfish, family stuff

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