Jul 06, 2004 17:45

On her way into the house after work, my mom felt something go splat on her head. A bird crapped in her hair! What are the odds of that? o_0 We all had a great laugh...and she immediately went to shampoo her hair, twice. ;D LMAO!

Work stuff:
I finished the "measure how much space all the books take up" project today. Woot! Alisha worked on it this morning, so I easily had time to finish it up this afternoon. (We don't normally work on the same day but the library was closed yesterday for the holiday.) After I finished lucky me got to sit with a big ol' calculator and add up page after page of numbers. o_0 We have over 32,000 inches of adult fiction, over 8,000 inches of biographies, and over 9,600 inches of large print books. (Those were the only three sections we had to measure.) *eyes bug out and go crossed from two hours of working with numbers*

A tidbit I'm going to cross-post to customers_suck... You know how, in a library, you can see a long way down the aisles between the stacks? As I was doing the measuring project in large print, there was a woman way down the aisle in the next stack over, looking at regular fiction. She was standing there browsing the shelves while her brat delightful offspring reached out of his stroller and proceeded to empty an entire shelf of books. How she failed to hear the noise of them hitting the floor, I have no idea. Finally she snapped to her senses and noticed what Junior was up to. Her response? 1. Push the stroller out into the main aisle, where the hellion darling couldn't reach any more books. 2. Continue browsing for a minute or so. 3. Walk away, leaving the pile of books all over the floor. o_0 >_< I stood there with my mouth hanging open for a moment, and when I was at a stopping point in my project I went over and cleaned up the mess. I can't blame the kid, since he was very small and didn't know any better. But the mother... *smacks forehead* Great example of common courtesy she's setting. :-p

rants and complaints, random silliness, work, mundane rl stuff, family stuff

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