Random thoughts

Jun 08, 2004 15:12

I'm at work now, on break.

Random thought #1: In this day and age where we can clone a sheep, land a man on the moon, and vaccinate against polio, WHY can't we keep this library cool in the summer? I've been at work a whole three hours and I'm drenched in sweat. My shirt is sticking to my back. And thanks to the lovely dress code written up by prudish old librarians, I can't wear shorts or anything else that really keeps me cool. Well, okay, I have some pretty cool dresses and skirts that ensure that I don't keel over from heat stroke, but still...tsk. >_<

Random thought #2: This probably wouldn't be stupid enough to make it onto mock_the_stupid, but it made me want to smack my forehead. Whilst shelf-reading an hour or so ago I overhead this cell phone conversation...
What I heard:
"Hello? ... I'm at the library studying for the ACTs. ... Yeah? ... You mean you don't remember? ... You passed out and everything! ... Yeah, you left early. I got there at like 11:30. ... You really don't remember? Well, you and Josh* went off to look for more twigs and stuff, 'cuz the fire was getting low. And you didn't come back, and didn't come back, so I went looking for you, and I found Josh and he said you'd been throwing up. ... You don't remember that? Well, anyway, I found you lying on a big rock down the trail. You were all out of it, and you kept talking about the stars and how Josh was a nice guy. ... Yeah, Josh is a nice guy. You said you felt sick. I didn't think you'd had that much, but you were really out if it. So Sarah* and I got you to Bob*'s car and he drove you someplace. ... Your dad's, huh? Oh. ... No, you left early. You don't remember? Huh. ... No, you didn't say anything too weird to me. ... You'd have to ask Josh, he was with you most of the night. ... No, I'm sure he understands. He's your friend. I'm sure you didn't say anything bad. ... Yes, Angie* was there. You really don't remember anything, huh? *giggles* Wow. ... You didn't eat anything first? Well, that explains it, girl! Geez! ... You'd have to ask Josh. ... Yeah, talk to you later, okay? Bye!"
* = Names changed to protect the idiotic underage drinkers

Now I'm assuming the girl she was talking to, with the hangover, was the same age as she was: i.e. too young to be drinking, just getting out of high school.
Why in the name of all that is holy would you DO that to yourself? Get so intoxicated (illegally, but that's beside the point) that you barf, don't know where you are, can't walk, and don't remember a thing about it the next day? This is supposed to be FUN? o_0 Now granted, I've never even been tipsy, so maybe I just don't get how entertaining it can be to be sloshed out of your mind, but I really can't imagine that it's any better than it sounds. :-p That girl could have wandered off in the woods and gotten lost, gotten raped or seduced by this "Josh" guy, gotten alcohol poisoning, fallen and hurt herself in the woods, or heaven only knows what else. Call me an old fuddy-duddy, but if my high school-age daughter was going out drinking in the woods at 11:30 at night, I'd be a little peeved, and more than a little concerned.
Kids today! Harumph! *waves her cane in the air and hobbles off, grumbling about her gout*


rants and complaints, work, mocking the stupid

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