Is that you, GonzaloJunior? o_0 Whoa!
I...guess it's okay... But GJ is my oldest Neopet, and it's so odd to see him looking differently than he always has. 0_o I liked the stern look the old one had. Seeing him smiling like that is odd. Wait--some of the old poses were smiling, too. Okay, something else must be different... His head looks smaller in relation to his body than it did before. I do like the big poofy tail, and the big paws are cute. I'm not certain that "cute" is what I want from a Lupe, I'll get used to it. I don't dislike it. It was just jarring when I logged in to feed my pets and saw something different.
I was freaked out when they updated the Grundo, too, but now I don't even think about what Xoser looks like.
EDIT: Whoa, wait, it changed again! o_0 Now the head is bigger. Cool! I like it better now, I think...