New HP ship

Mar 05, 2004 14:47

Thanks to eleanor_zara, there is now a ship for Severus and Petunia at Fiction Alley Park, the S.S. They Deserve Each Other! LOL! The name was my idea. *evil pinky smirk* My ship position is now "Official Snark Meter Reader." After all, if you get Snape and Petunia in a room together, the Snark Meter is bound to go off the scale!

I like the idea of this pairing, I really do. I can just imagine Harry's reaction. Two of his least favorite people in the world, neither of which he can avoid, together! It's just so...evil! LOL!

But Sev and Petunia are remarkably well suited for each other. Both have little patience for idiots. Both grudgingly, deep down care about Harry's well-being but would never in a million years admit it without Veritaserum. Both are snarky, cranky and sarcastic. Petunia has this obsession with keeping things clean and orderly, and while we don' t know what sort of a housekeeper Snape is, we do see that his office is well-organized with all his creepy ingredients in rows of jars. With Petunia's neat-freak tendencies, I imagine she'd nag Severus to death about his greasy hair.

Have Snape and Petunia met each other already?

Of course. They met when Severus was dating Lily back in their Hogwarts days!
Er, sorry, cross-ship contamination there...
Not that there's anything wrong with that, I suppose...

My views of this ship are going to be permanently colored by my allegiance to the S.S. Cliched. The beauty of it is that it doesn't matter... Sev/Lily in the old days and Sev/Petunia in the "present" not only are not mutally exclusive, but they compliment each other rather nicely, I think.
Lily would appeal to a younger, more naive Severus, and Petunia would appeal to an older, jaded and bitter Severus.

If they had nicknames for each other, what would they call each other?

I can't in a million years imagine them calling each other "dear," "darling," or "sweetheart." They would be more likely to latch onto an insult and use it as a term of endearment. Like, oh, I don't know... "Big Nose" or "Horse Face"? Heehee...

The Grandma situation is pretty much the same. No one knows why she hasn't let go yet. :( Her one side is pretty much useless since the little stroke yesterday.
Just hanging in there. *shrug* :\

harry potter - discussion and theories, family stuff

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