Yay, LJ is back! It was down all afternoon--or at least my server cluster was.
I started out today being bound and determined to veg' out and not do a darn thing. And for awhile I succeeded, but then I got bit by some bug to accomplish a few things, so...I did. I put my growing CD collection into the new organizer unit Mom got me for Christmas. Now they're in three tiers of neat rows instead of stacked up on the computer stand. ;)
I also got out the box of postcards for my collection that I've been meaning to sort and file for AGES. I seriously have stacks of cards from 2001 that haven't been filed into my collection. o_0 >_< So I hauled out the box from the quagmire that is my room and sorted them into piles, geographically. I still have to drag the eight zillion Rubbermaid boxes upstairs and file all the cards and then update my records/checklist... I ♥ my postcards, though. Even if I have been neglecting them since I got fishies. ;)
Lastly, I gave
Sullivanet.com a major facelift for the first time in about a year! The design is darker than it used to be, probably because I've been in a gloomy mood for the last, oh, ten months or so. :-p But it's not supposed to be dark and depressing--more like dark and elegant. I hope.
I like the organization, anyway, and the fact that my main sites got the bigger thumbnails they deserve. I finally linked to my Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter Snape tribute sites, so maybe they'll get more traffic now. I haven't done anything with the PotC one since I first posted it, but my muse might whap me upside the head with something else for it, someday.
I also redid the About Me page, misc. links page, virtual pet zoo, emoticons key, and What's New? page so they have the same background as the main index page. Consistency = good. ;)
In historical news, the 2004 presidential election frenzy is in full force today with the Iowa caucuses. Woot. And the State of the Union address is tomorrow, which means I can get all irritated at Dubya's smirking. >_<
Grandma's been having really bad back pain lately, and the hospice nurse suggested that, since medication isn't cutting it, maybe she should have a procedure done wherein they inject something like concrete into her vertebrae to keep the bones from rubbing together. @#$& osteoparosis, on top of everything else the poor woman has to deal with... So she's thinking she'll have that done soon, which won't be easy or pleasant, but if it helps that terrible back pain it'll be worth it.