At work I had to watch a fire extinguisher training video today, and I was dreading it, expecting it to be really boring and long. It turned out to be boring and 8.5 minutes long! Woot! Very painless. ^_^
The forecast is for 4-6+" for snow tomorrow and Monday. What the crap? Well, it is November in Wisconsin...what do you expect? Still, I have a feeling they'll be wrong in the forecast yet again. :-p No snow on the ground yet...
@#)$&%)@%&?# Deviant Art is slow! Even on a cable modem. And not just slow...2/3 of the thumbnails don't even load for me! Grr... So much for compulsively seeking out Snapeariffic fanart... :-p
Jumping back to work stuff...I was entering articles on "Floods and Storms" in the historical newspaper database, wallowing in weathergirlish glee, when I ran across a story from 1938 that had me laughing my arse off. The headline? "Huge carp left in front yard by flood water." Apparently after the river receded from flood stage, a gentleman found a 41-pound carp in a puddle in his yard. He dragged it down to the Press Company offices to have his picture taken with it. Holding it up with its tail on the ground, it reaches to his chest! O_O And I thought
MY carp were big! LMAO!!! I was going to scan it but my scanner is cranky and I don't feel like going to the trouble to re-start the computer to fix it. Nyah.
Back to my latest fangirl obsession...
I finally downloaded the "I'm Too Sexy" Snape video. Mwahahaha! I watched that, then the Azkaban trailer. Woot. I'm a happy fangirl.
Speaking of Harry Pothead, I'm just like 100 pages from the end of Order of the Phoenix. I stayed up reading until a quarter after two last night/this morning. I HAD to get to the infamous "Snape's Worst Memory" chapter. ^_^;
Aww, there, there, Severus, it's okay... *gloms Snape in a huge hug*
Poor guy, he really does get a raw deal from life, doesn't he? Being picked on is NO fun. :( And he and Harry have more in common than either would ever admit. Especially the angst!Harry who's emerging in OotP. He's a cranky boy at times, isn't he? LOL! Oh, and Tonks rocks. ^_^ More opinions and ranting later when I actually finish the darn thing.
Gotta go feed MY "huge carp" now... ^_^