Jul 30, 2009 17:45
Tomorrow is my last day working for the Cundiff family. I can't believe it's been a year. It's been a rough year, to be honest, but by God's grace, I've learned a lot. So here's a list of fifty reasons I'm thankful that Jesus brought me to Minneapolis.
1. Bethlehem Baptist Church. Period.
2. TBI Essentials.
3. Everything I've learned in spending a year working for the Cundiff family.
4. I got to go to the DWYL tour when I didn't have a ticket til I got there - when 100 others were turned away at the door.
5. The Jones Family.
6. Mandy and Cameron Holly.
7. Everything I learned in my relationship with Jonathan and am still learning, even in his absence.
8. Learning to think more about why I believe what I believe instead of just being obnoxiously indoctrinated.
9. My first car.
10. My first Christian concert
11. Free shows at BBC - Fernando Ortega, Matthew Smith, Jason Harms, etc..
12. Amazing teaching every single week.
13. Learning how amazing Grace Church is and just how much I took it for granted.
14. Martha and Emilie.
15. Lang's Small Group.
16. Dunn Bros and Caribou Coffee. <3
17. Learning that I CAN survive Minnesota winters.
18. SUNSHINE in the winter time... even if it is 30 below.
19. Developing a greater appreciation for Grudem's Systematic Theology through Rusten notes. :P
20. Finding out I'm still totally depraved - and God's grace abounding all the more.
21. Learning how to make chicken and wild rice soup. mmmm...
22. Learning that nice is not always nice if it's fake.
23. Developing a heart for urban outreach.
24. Releasing my death grip on my dreams of Romania.
25. Christ opening my heart and mind to wherever He wills to send me.
26. Having Rachel Riviere for a pen pal.
27. Learning contentment in singleness, losing it, and then fighting for it.
28. Benefitting time and time again from Connie McGalla's intercessory prayers.
29. Learning the importance of transparency with my small group - the hard way.
30. Realizing how dependent I am on others - and being okay with that.
31. Gaining a greater sense of self-awareness.
32. Minor identity crises that come from moving away from everyone I know and love to a place where I have to start from scratch.
33. The Lord bringing forth fruit from #32.
34. Beginning to learn the difference between things which are inherantly sinful and things that CAN be sinful.
34. Being shown and convicted of the legalism in me.
35. Being shown and convicted of the materialism in me.
36. Learning that I can be stretched so far beyond my own limits and still survive by His sustaining grace.
37. Reading every book I can get my hands on about dating and courtship does not necessarily make me any more adept at it.
38. Even the best boyfriend isn't going to solve all my problems.
39. Finally being freed from coveting marriage and children.
40. Invaluable phone calls, emails, and visits from Ashley Schreiner.
41. Evan Middleton, my long distance BFF.
42. My accidentally fabulous new haircut. :o)
43. Discovering Indian and Thai food.
44. Bubble tea.
45. Midtown Global Market.
46. Experiencing freedom from self-consciousness, even if only temporarily.
47. Re-learning that I don't have to be a cookie cutter Christian.
48. FIGHTING for joy.
49. Free weekend Piper seminars. Wooooot!
50. Being surrounded by people who challenge me. Every. single. day.