So, it's been quite a while since I posted anything, let alone a fanfic but let's not go there.Really, the last thing I posted was Diamond in the Rough - chapter 8. So imagine my surprise when out of the blue, I start getting new "Story Alerts added" from It took me a while to figure out really, because we're not talking one or two here over the course of a month, more like 10+ over the course of a bit over a week.
Then it hit me.
X:Men First Class just came out.
Which means new ff readers out there since Emma is finally in a f***ing movie besides a brief cameo as a diamond bullet proof shield (HATED IT!!). Yay for new readers! Too bad I feel somewhat sad that Diamond in the Rough won't be updated since I'm still too bummed all the material I lost. On a similar tangent I just read - ok I'm so behind in the world apparently - that part of Stephanie Meyer's book Midnight Sun was leaked back in what? '08? and she told a reporter she couldn't find it in herself to continue the book. That's how I feel. Not that I'm comparing myself to Ms. Meyer but I think I can somewhat relate abet for different reasons
I've actually considered removing the story from the net, just because I knew I detest starting to read a fanfic only to have it be discontinued half-way through but then I have this little sliver of a heart still left in me with hope inside that maybe... just maybe one day I'll start on it again.
On a side note I use DropBox now for ALL my writing. Seriously. I don't think I could handle losing that much material again (and yes I thought I had a backup but wooo... corrupted file anyone?) and not just give up altogether. I really do recommend it. DropBox is one of the Cloud storage systems out there and seamlessly sync's between my ipad and computer (and would between my laptop too if I set it up). And if both my ipad and computer go down... it's out there to be re'd/l'd from the cloud easily. 2Gig is free with DropBox and considering most writing is just txt... that's a LOT. I have a LOT of fanfic stored in there too and I'm only at 27% usage right now. Google and even Microsoft have cloud storage too (but they're not as good I don't think. DropBox is the hands-down winner with most reviews)
So ANYWAYS back to the point, since I've started using cloud storage I've found myself writing again in electronic format. This is good. It's gotten me to get over the trauma a bit. Most of you (you know, the 2.5 people who read my posts :p) probably think that I'm over-exaggerating the "trauma". I'm not. I had started writing again, but it was in paper format. Bits and pieces, which is how I usually write; how I get ideas for stories. Then family issues happened and let's just say that even after I got back home from Arizona I felt no need to write ff in any form or length. Just journal writing about my feelings on the familial situation and the job front.
Life can spiral out of control can't it? So it amazes me how things tie together in your life, even something like writing fanfic, and how if one of those things goes wrong it affects everything else. And if two or three go wrong? Well, life becomes a spiraling out of control mess.
And now to finish up my ramble and say that maybe, just maybe with feeling more secure about being able to write electronically now, I'll be able to write a fanfic and perhaps someday finish Diamond in the Rough. You never know! Stranger things have happened.