Let's discuss it.
We cry foul when corporations, government or the military look at gay, bi or lesbians and say we aren't good enough because of who we have sex with. We rant and rave in response saying that what happens behind closed doors is none of anyone's business.
I agree. I'm a lesbian after all and have been for years.
But then here
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Now, the thing of it is, at least for me, is that sexuality or sexual identity is such a contentious topic. We (presumably you and others - myself included) don't go around and ferret out those of society that are straight; so why is there a need (for celebrities and others) to pronounce their sexuality.
To me it casts a diversion on the actual topic of basic human rights. Who cares if you're black, green, gay, straight, or polka-dotted with blue spots, Jewish and queerer than a three dollar bill. If at any point you are denied the rights afforded to the majority of the population, it becomes a human rights issue. Mucking about in the semantics of labels and being out or not being out detracts from the actual issue.
I'm not saying being out isn't important, but why does society feel like if one is gay, lesbian, bi, queer or however one chooses to identify themselves, they must label and declare it - celebrities above all because after all they're human, and humans do have right to tell people to but out of their personal lives. You're right it is a personal thing and if people do tell you then it is a gift, a gift of trust and camaraderie.
Can't we move past the dialog of out or not or queer or not and get to the heart of the issue?
At any rate that's my two cents worth (okay so like half cent considering I'm about to do a face plant in my mattress and call it a day) but I just felt the need to comiserate with you...burning biscuits and all. ;0)
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