Jan 16, 2004 09:58
burrrr.... Today is a very cold day! .-2 degrees. I have a boring weekend ahead of me. Well maybe if miriam and I go to the mall on saturday, i'll have a better day but who knows whats going to happen. Brittaney is going to see her friends this weekend and im happy for her. She needs to talk her mind of her "steve". I wish i could of been there more for her but i didnt know how to and it seems like i fail as a friend. I dont seem like im a good friend so i dont know why people seem to like me. on a brighter note, im going to COLLEGE on saturdays now. My bosses seem to think i would make a great teacher some day so they asked me if i would take a teacher's course and well now i will be! I will be taking a course janurary 24th in child development. And i cant wait!!!!!!!!!!! Right now im home because they didnt need me at work because school is closed and many parents wanted to keep their kids home. well talk 2 u later!