
May 14, 2009 11:47

It really bugs me when there aren't consequences for my actions.
Early in my pregnancy, I ran a red light (actually, I was turning left and when the light turned green, I went to turn even though there were people coming straight at me. They had to stop while I got out of their way and went straight instead of turning). I was really mad at myself and felt like there should be some punishment for not paying better attention to my driving.
If I am late to work because I was goofing off too long at home or slept in, I want someone to comment that they noticed I was late to work and disapprove.
I am pretty good at policing myself so I don't know why I have this desire. I certainly don't care if other people are a little late for work and wouldn't say anything to them so why should I expect them to say anything to me? I am judgmental of other drivers, but I call them names in my head or make up sad stories for them then forget about it.
On the other hand, I don't expect rewards for good behavior. I don't understand me.
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