Presents and secrets

Apr 08, 2009 09:16

I found the perfect birthday present for Ian! Due to lack of practice in childhood, I am terrible at waiting until a holiday to give someone a present, but I am determined to keep this a secret for the next two months. Here is the trick for me when it comes to secrets: I need one other person to know. If no one else knows, I feel like that secret is bad and damaging to me, regardless of what I am keeping secret. I have chosen that person and told them (for lack of a single non-gendered human pronoun). I feel confident that I can now keep my secret (although I still want to tell Ian because I tell him EVERYTHING).
I am not a secretive person by nature (high school held too many secrets for me and I am glad to be rid of them,) and being pregnant was difficult for me in this respect. For a couple days, Ian and I knew but no one else knew. For several weeks after that family (and anyone who needed to know for health reason) knew, but we hadn't told anyone else. This was in case of miscarriage. The first trimester is scary so, although I wanted to shout it from the rooftop starting as soon as I found out, I tried to keep quiet.
Now, Ian and I are discussing names. We have a few front runners and I am enjoying sharing this secret with him. There aren't many pieces of information that we keep just between the two of us, and this makes me feel really close to him. I look forward to announcing a name when littleschempp is born, but I like the idea of having this bond between us until then. I don't have that with many people. In littleschempp, I discuss other reasons for keeping our name choices just between us.
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