
Jun 10, 2007 21:28

It was a very enjoyable 3 day weekend. I wish it could have been longer but I am exhausted. My mom got in Monday. Ian made us a pad thai and cauliflower soup dinner. Tuesday I spent the evening with her lesson planning. Wednesday she came with me to my program conclusion dinner at SPU. Thursday my best friend and her husband arrived 9(via truck) from MT while Ian was picking my dad up at the airport and my mom and I bought deli food for the six of us for dinner.
Friday I had a hooding ceremony in the morning followed by a trip to Costco and cleaned with my mother and my best friend all afternoon. Ian picked my grandma up at the airport with my dad after the hooding then all 6 of us plus my best friend's husband went to Anthony's for dinner. Yum!
Saturday I finished cleaning and prepping for the party while Ian and his parents went to the grocery store with a last minute list.
I graduated in the rain (and stayed for the whole ceremony because I am more interested in being polite than I am in not wasting my and my loved ones' time) and had a party at my house. Of course, I was the last person to arrive so it was pretty much set up by the time I got there. It was fun with lots of people and lots of food. I concluded my day with a viewing of "Love Actually" with my best friend and her husband.
This morning I went to my Grandma's hotel to take pictures with her. (Yesterday my cap, gown, and hood were too wet for pictures.) My aunt threw a brunch in my honor (and to welcome home her daughter who studied in Paris this past semester) so it was off to that at 9:30. My folks came back to my house after brunch and we watched "Serenity" then finished off some of my leftovers for dinner. I drove my dad to the airport around 6:30 while Ian was at rehearsal and finished my evening with an episode of "Gilmore Girls" and a piece of cake alongside my mother.
I can't remember the last time I slept more than 6 hours in a 24 hour period. Weekend before last, maybe?
I am about to fall asleep on my feet and I have two more weeks of teaching so I should head to bed (at 9:30!!) but I wanted to give myself an outline of events.
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