Is anyone else as pissed off with Leaky Cauldron as I am these days?
I used to go on there every morning before even checking e-mails or LJ - just because you got the latest news about anything HP related quickly. Yes, the new look to the site is better than it was, but it takes forever to load, even with broadband - doesn't work in Explorer on the Mac, or Safari, and even using Firefox it DIES on you all the time. And all they seem to post these days is film related - like on the latest bowel movements of the bloody actors in the Potter films. And repeating stupid rumours and blowing their own trumpets on the podcasts - well I listened to a couple of those but couldn't really take much more than that. I'm pretty fed-up with them.
I've switched to Mugglenet for news and The Snitch for fandom related interesting essays and stuff. And thank God for
hp_essays and
Leaky needs to get a bit of a grip on itself and harbour less of a sense of its own self-importance. I want to read about the BOOKS, not the films. *sulks*