So this is my journal.....

Jul 17, 2005 16:51

Well, my first entry.....I don't know what to say. I'm moving in 2 weeks and I want to make that a new start as far as eating well and excercising. I'll be home with Katie and Madison by myself during the days so I will make sure we get out for a walk everyday. Other than that I just need to stop eating junk food and make better choices. It was sort of depressing yesterday having my mom remind me how great I looked after I had Katie. I was smaller after I had her than before I got pregnant. It's because I ate right for her when I was pregnant. I know that works for me so I should just do that again. I will do that then. I now have 2 weeks to psych myself up for it. I need to buy fitness magazines and go on recipe and weight loss sites to get excited about success stories. At least I know my body can do it. I was starting to wonder before I got pregnant. Oh, and ps. I have some weird bumpy feeling things in the back of my throat. They feel like popcorn kernals but they aren't. I'm thinking a doctor visit might be necessary.
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