ATTN: Newsflash! AUSAM-CON 2008!

Nov 24, 2007 01:44


Okay, guys, this is my official recruitment/PIMP post for AUSAM-con 2008, the convention that the anime club of Auburn University (aka, where I gets educated) is throwing in January of next year. Check it, we're so official, we're listed on! You know that's hot.

Anyway, I know that a few of you cosplayers on my friends list live close enough to be able to make it to this convention if you feel like coming, so is anyone in? :D Any girls that come are welcome to stay in my apartment Friday night (the night before) as well as Saturday if they don't want to make the drive early in the morning/late at night the day of the con (Sat). My apartment's not that big, but it'd be one hella fun sleepover! We could even all go out to eat together on Friday night! I'm an official staffer/panelist/contest judge at AUSAM-con, so unfortunately, if at any point during Saturday you wanted to go walk around Auburn, I wouldn't be available as a tour guide. I AM cool with playing host for tours on Friday/Sunday, though!

So here's who is more-than-likely coming to AUSAM-con (and hopefully staying with me!)
violet_lane* +1

*Diana is a lot more tentative than the others, being 5 hours away instead of 1-2. She also says that she will quite possibly go insane (?) if she has to make this drive alone again.)

Julie, Suzanne, Lauren, upper FL-cosplayers-- you're all close-ish! Any of you want to consider coming? :3

Take note: I have NO idea how successful this convention is going to be, but as I'm pretty much in charge of ALL THINGS COSPLAY, I want to do my best to make sure that at least the cosplay end is a success. There WILL be a costume contest, so you cosplayers should come for a chance to add another award to your coslab!!! ROFL Sorry, inside joke. XD Anyway, if you're thinking "Well... I would totally go if I had a costume to wear..." then I will try my best to find a costume to lend you if you'd like. I am THAT desperate for other cosplayers! lol I'm debating recruiting theater kids to just stand around and model some of my shit. LOLOLOL I could see that now-
Fanboy: OMG, I love ______! It's the best show ever!
Random theatre kid: Umm... okay???
Okay, but seriously, folks, if you ever wanted a good excuse to visit me/Auburn, you just got it! :D

A note about small cons: AUSAM-con is probably going to pretty much be Momocon 2.0 if we're lucky. Aside from the costume contest disaster, I really had a great time at Momocon (which was only in its 3rd year!), so I really think AUSAM-con totally has the potential to grow tremendously if we get it off to a good start.

If you're coming or even just CONSIDERING it, please do the staff a huge favor and sign up on the forums. You don't have to make any posts or even browse, we're just trying to gather a rough estimate of how many people are interested. (Though I'd personally adore anyone who would head over to the Cosplay section and say what costumes they'll bring in the post I made. That would make you MY FOREVER GIRL.)

ausam-con, cosplay, cons

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