I told you I didn't think some variety of Lanterns would be a bad idea. And you can get all the rings now. Beware though they are huge and won't fit you. I've been toying with the idea of getting a set and then trying to recast them in different sizes. The only thing holding me back is spending money on the materials.
Gambit/Rogue is one of my OTPs, but Lanterns are like THE thing right now.
And if you take Wonder Woman to D*Con I definitely want to get pictures with you sometime in Donna. Since Mary Marvel will be my new one I kind of want to wear her to the DC shoot Sunday. So would some other time be good for Amazon action for you?
About other things: Well, the less distractions you have hopefully the easier it will be to buckle down and concentrate on school. So since you've quit Dillards you might not even have the money to consider new conventions and costumes this semester, which as sad as it sounds would help with school. And if you've got yourself committed to shows and stuff then going out of town for cons wouldn't even be an option. With Cliff I think you'll feel better once you just have a better sense of security with him. And I know you already passed your first deadline you gave yourself to have a serious talk with him. So just really try to get on that. And I'm not a good social butterfly and I don't think ever push friendships if I think the other person isn't interested, so I can't really help with that last part though. Maybe just be more active with communities and activities.
P.S. If you don't get around to wearing Briar Rose and Philip at the con again then you might could try just going down the street to this place sometime for a shoot: http://www.dunwoodynature.org/
Haha, honestly, I am soooooo not crazy about Carol Ferris' Star Sapphire design, but Cliff as Hal Jordan's GL would just be the sexiest thing EVER (especially since he plans to work out a LOT if he decides to do it), so I figure if he can hit a gym for his, then I can hit a gym for mine. However, I think I would definitely go with the fake-skin suit underneath... Due to the revealing nature of the costume, the complicated, impossible design, AND the fact that I do NOT have those tits. I feel like pulling off Rogue would be SO much easier, but Cliff says GL is his favorite comic right now. I might also just wear WW when he wears GL. -_-;;
Hmmm... I think I'd be okay with that. Especially if I have a Rogue costume, because then I could wear that Sunday for DC vs. Marvel (they are at the same time, right?). Or, well, you know, if I went to a DC gathering, my poserness would be revealed, so I'm okay with missing it. XDDDD
Haha, that is certainly true! No money = no cons = no new costumes, so that DOES make things easier. However, I include LJ, cosplay.com, and 4chan under the umbrella of "cosplay getting in the way of school," and none of those require money, just discipline. ;_;
Haha, you and Diana both have called me out for letting my Serious-Talk-with-Cliff deadline go by... I know exactly why I'm scared to bring it up, and that's because I'm still certain I'm going to hear an answer that I don't want to hear. I just keep hoping that with time, Cliff will come to realize that he WANTS to live with me, and I won't have to force it... A girl can dream... *sigh*
As for the forces friendship thing, I think the key is for me to be LESS active in the cosplay community, haha. Maybe I should talk to you about that one-on-one, though. What I really want to know is how to freaking make friends in the THEATRE DEPARTMENT. By my junior year, it had gone from a handful of people calling me to hang out to NO ONE. Sure, I started dating Cliff around then, but it's not like I wore a sign around my neck that said "DON'T CALL ME, GUYS. I DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEATRE KIDS."
This is actually probably what is going to happen. lol Especially since the park closest to D*C isn't even really green enough to please the SB fanatic in me.
Well, encourage Cliff to work on Hal then if you both really want him to do that. If Star Sapphire just gets to be too much for you then I think wearing Diana with him sounds like a great back-up plan since they're both such key players in DC.
And they want to do separate Marvel and DC shoots this year. Apparently it's just gotten to the point where it's too many people to try and combine the two groups without it being ridiculous. I was just thinking that maybe you could wear Wonder Woman twice over the weekend or something?
Hmm. You need to somehow limit your computer access then. I just plain didn't have internet when I lived by myself. So it wasn't until John was living with me that I even had the option to be an internet junkie.
Speaking of which I can understand why you're nervous about talking to Cliff. I had that talk once with an ex and got shot down. But I guess you just have to think of it like taking off a bandaid, just do it to get it over with instead of dragging it out and prolonging your stress. I luckily never had to go through that with John since we kind of started living together out of necessity.
And I never quite figured out theatre kids either. I hung out a lot with them my first semester. I think we bonded together as newbs. But then they seemed less interested in hanging out with me, and I didn't push the issue because like I said that's how I roll. But I do know that if you're not working on projects/shows/etc with them then you're not going to have very close relationships with them and really hang out. So since you took a lot of non-theatre classes and didn't work on shows recently that's probably distanced you away from them even more.
Yeah, I was also thinking that I couldn't think of any areas around the con that are lush enough to be a Disney forest.
Yeah, I think I pretty much have talked myself out of that costume between posting this last night and today. XD I don't even think Cliff was really pushing me to do it, so unless he absolutely BEGS (not likely), I think she's officially dropped. I DO still want to make Gambit and Rogue, but maybe next year for D*C.
I definitely could. Especially if I don't make either SS OR Rogue. XD
Yeah, I sometimes will just unplug my laptop from my router when I need to stay off. It kinda sucks because I'm constantly plugging it back in to look up little things. I really just can't live without internet anymore.
I personally think living with Cliff would be a necessity just to save GAS MONEY driving back and forth to see each other in Atlanta- one of the many arguments that I'm going to use when we have THE TALK... when I gather the courage, anyway. That's bandaid's gonna huuuuuuurt...
Yeah, never being around or working on shows because of Dillard's DEFINITELY did just that, but even when I WAS working on shows, I still never felt close to anyone like I did my first few semesters. :\
Hey, maybe if you end up putting off Gambit/Rogue long enough it'll be by the time I can actually try for the Marvel couple I'd like to cosplay with John. Though I don't think I'll be trying for that until after I get some hot Han Solo action out of him since I've pretty much been waiting my whole life to get around to Leia cosplay.
Gambit/Rogue is one of my OTPs, but Lanterns are like THE thing right now.
And if you take Wonder Woman to D*Con I definitely want to get pictures with you sometime in Donna. Since Mary Marvel will be my new one I kind of want to wear her to the DC shoot Sunday. So would some other time be good for Amazon action for you?
About other things: Well, the less distractions you have hopefully the easier it will be to buckle down and concentrate on school. So since you've quit Dillards you might not even have the money to consider new conventions and costumes this semester, which as sad as it sounds would help with school. And if you've got yourself committed to shows and stuff then going out of town for cons wouldn't even be an option. With Cliff I think you'll feel better once you just have a better sense of security with him. And I know you already passed your first deadline you gave yourself to have a serious talk with him. So just really try to get on that. And I'm not a good social butterfly and I don't think ever push friendships if I think the other person isn't interested, so I can't really help with that last part though. Maybe just be more active with communities and activities.
P.S. If you don't get around to wearing Briar Rose and Philip at the con again then you might could try just going down the street to this place sometime for a shoot: http://www.dunwoodynature.org/
Hmmm... I think I'd be okay with that. Especially if I have a Rogue costume, because then I could wear that Sunday for DC vs. Marvel (they are at the same time, right?). Or, well, you know, if I went to a DC gathering, my poserness would be revealed, so I'm okay with missing it. XDDDD
Haha, that is certainly true! No money = no cons = no new costumes, so that DOES make things easier. However, I include LJ, cosplay.com, and 4chan under the umbrella of "cosplay getting in the way of school," and none of those require money, just discipline. ;_;
Haha, you and Diana both have called me out for letting my Serious-Talk-with-Cliff deadline go by... I know exactly why I'm scared to bring it up, and that's because I'm still certain I'm going to hear an answer that I don't want to hear. I just keep hoping that with time, Cliff will come to realize that he WANTS to live with me, and I won't have to force it... A girl can dream... *sigh*
As for the forces friendship thing, I think the key is for me to be LESS active in the cosplay community, haha. Maybe I should talk to you about that one-on-one, though. What I really want to know is how to freaking make friends in the THEATRE DEPARTMENT. By my junior year, it had gone from a handful of people calling me to hang out to NO ONE. Sure, I started dating Cliff around then, but it's not like I wore a sign around my neck that said "DON'T CALL ME, GUYS. I DON'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH THEATRE KIDS."
This is actually probably what is going to happen. lol Especially since the park closest to D*C isn't even really green enough to please the SB fanatic in me.
...I really need an amecomi icon.
And they want to do separate Marvel and DC shoots this year. Apparently it's just gotten to the point where it's too many people to try and combine the two groups without it being ridiculous. I was just thinking that maybe you could wear Wonder Woman twice over the weekend or something?
Hmm. You need to somehow limit your computer access then. I just plain didn't have internet when I lived by myself. So it wasn't until John was living with me that I even had the option to be an internet junkie.
Speaking of which I can understand why you're nervous about talking to Cliff. I had that talk once with an ex and got shot down. But I guess you just have to think of it like taking off a bandaid, just do it to get it over with instead of dragging it out and prolonging your stress. I luckily never had to go through that with John since we kind of started living together out of necessity.
And I never quite figured out theatre kids either. I hung out a lot with them my first semester. I think we bonded together as newbs. But then they seemed less interested in hanging out with me, and I didn't push the issue because like I said that's how I roll. But I do know that if you're not working on projects/shows/etc with them then you're not going to have very close relationships with them and really hang out. So since you took a lot of non-theatre classes and didn't work on shows recently that's probably distanced you away from them even more.
Yeah, I was also thinking that I couldn't think of any areas around the con that are lush enough to be a Disney forest.
I definitely could. Especially if I don't make either SS OR Rogue. XD
Yeah, I sometimes will just unplug my laptop from my router when I need to stay off. It kinda sucks because I'm constantly plugging it back in to look up little things. I really just can't live without internet anymore.
I personally think living with Cliff would be a necessity just to save GAS MONEY driving back and forth to see each other in Atlanta- one of the many arguments that I'm going to use when we have THE TALK... when I gather the courage, anyway. That's bandaid's gonna huuuuuuurt...
Yeah, never being around or working on shows because of Dillard's DEFINITELY did just that, but even when I WAS working on shows, I still never felt close to anyone like I did my first few semesters. :\
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