DRAGON*CON 2009, PART 2: I know you, I walked with you Once Upon a Dream

Nov 06, 2009 17:39

So Saturday I awoke (not hungover! Heck yes!), and for the first time ever, I had absolutely no idea what costume to wear. I'm always the kind of cosplayer to schedule exactly when I'm going to don a costume well in advance, but Cliff isn't, so I dropped my schedule in order to be more flexible (so I'd actually get to wear my costumes with him). He mentioned not wanting to do Monarch early in the day, so I suggested we go ahead and get Prince Phillip and Briar Rose over with- so we did. Anyway, we woke up at about 10 to noise from below-- turns out, we had an AWESOME view of the Dragon*con parade from our balcony! We watched most of it, then decided to nap since we'd been out since 5 am the night before. I don't remember when we woke up and got dressed, but I think we didn't make it back to the con (especially since free food was available 20 feet from our room) until 5 pm. AGAIN. Note to self: staying out til 5am is not worth missing a good chunk of daylight at Dragon*con.

mandymitchell took this one! Awkward leeeegs. I adopted the really lazy habit of keeping my purse on my shoulder for pictures at Dragon*con... note to self: ditch the bag next year.

Cliff's gay friends were pretty pumped at the idea of seeing Cliff in Prince Phillip, so we made our way over to find them, and this happened:

Best part about this picture? Kurt and Karl hiding in the background like creepy voyeurs. XD

And Jerry took this as well:

After that, I finally managed to track down Leonard for a legit photoshoot. We rounded up a few cosplayers (Mer in Ranka, Molly in Phoenix... Sam, Becky, you were there, too, right??), Cliff-2/SVK also joined us as photog #2, and a photoshoot was had! Too bad the 10th floor of the Mariott made for an absolutely ATROCIOUS setting for Prince Phillip and Briar Rose. @_@ Cliff-2 was intent on capturing the goofy side of Katie. Aka, 99.9% of Katie.

There was a podium. I gave a dramatic speech at it.

Apparently, I looked like Evita. DON'T CRY FOR ME, ARGENTINA.


Trying to look less hurf. Failing.


Seriously, that boy somehow completely captured the essence of the 1950s dreamboat. *_* I think I need to find a way to make this wig frame my face better.

Another photographer came over and grabbed this shot as well.

"I'M GONNA TAKE MY PRIZE..." /Juggernaut

Then we switched, and it was Leo's turn.

Don't ask me what's going on with my hips. I have no freaking idea.

Prince Dracula?

Again, this wig does nothing for me.

Yucky profile is yucky.

My flats make it really hard to have graceful feet when I run. I reeeally should have taken them off for this shot. And worn a petticoat. ;_;

We were trying to do dramatic cape shots. Doesn't really work when I'm RIGHT in the middle of the background. XD

So with photos taken, it was time for Cliff to give me my birthday present- he had gotten me tickets to the Dragon*con Night at the Georgia Aquarium event! *__* I had never been before, so I was super excited- especially when he agreed to keep Prince Phillip on while we were there. ;__; (Keep in mind, he had given me a time limit of "2 hours" in the costume- we'd donned them at 5 and it was already 8!) He had bought two extra tickets for my friends, but I let him use one for one of his friends (Joey), and the other I gave to Mary, who had never been to the Aquarium either, despite living in Atlanta for the last few years.

It was EPIC. I wish I'd taken pictures of them, but I was too busy enjoying the fish. We did grab one shot on my camera, which turned out pretty bad.

Joey got one that actually captured us AND all the fish in the background, but we're STILL waiting on him to email it to Cliff. -_-;;

While there, I also ran into the HCC's Sleeping Beauty group again (when I saw them before, it was just two of the fairies and they were eating at the food court and had removed their wigs) and got a picture. *_* Bad posture, ahoy! And CHECK IT OUT, AIMEE'S AURORA = TOTALLY TALLER THAN ME. But Cliff is still taller than everyone. <3

We made it back to our hotel and went to change into our costumes for the Colonial Fleet Party (Six for me and steampunk Ash again for Cliff). Then we went to Joey's for liquor and ended up missing the TCF party entirely. I heard it was weak this year compared to last. And that none of the celebrities really stuck around. At some point, I ditched Cliff because he was in need of "Cliff-time." I headed over to the Marriott alone and met up with Yaya and Brian still in BSG attire and grabbed a few photos with Brian-Balter and Yaya-Boomer. Taken by Mary. :D


I'm a giraaaaaffe.

I can always really on Yaya to make me look like a TOWERING SHE-HULK. T______T

Her boobs rest nicely in my HIPS.

Then they all left to go back to their hotel room, so I was alone. ;_; But I found Lauren again, who had just purchased an actual flight suit from the TCF party in a charity auction! Can you tell I'm drunk?? :D

CLARKE! <3 I miss him.

lol He looks messed-up drunk.

Whoops! I just realized I forgot to post a picture Cliff-2 took of Six on Friday night! It's pretty darn funny because of the random dude in the background.

But damn, I look rough. lol My make-up must have completely worn off by this point.

About that time, Cliff, Jerry, Karl and the guys showed up. They wanted to go to some rave, and I was like, ugh, no thanks. Jerry and I stayed at the Pulse bar and chatted, when I saw... A STEVE!

OMG, I'M A CLUUUUUUUUUE! (Photoshopped because he had lost it earlier that night.)

Honestly, I don't remember anything else about that night, so I'm going to guess that I must have just gone back to the room to sleep? Cliff came in like, 10 minutes after me.

And THAT was Friday. Regrets? Staying out til 5 AM the morning before. Sleeping in until 3. Not getting to the con until 5. Wearing my purse in WAY too many photos. Wishing I didn't begrudge Cliff his need for alone time.
Things I don't regret? Not doing the Dragon*con parade. Not going to the Colonial Fleet Party. Not going to that lame rave. Going to the Aquarium. :D

Lessons learned.

And that ends Part 2: Saturday. Part 3 will conclude my Dragon*con report with both Day 3 and Day 4.

dragon*con, convention report, photos, cosplay

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