i'm an emo kid today.
i just.... don't feel like i fit....anywhere. i don't know. like..... this weekend when i went to ny woddy and pat were being mean to me about pretty much everything... i was too dirty... i was a lame... i stopeed drinking after a big gulp and a half and started drinking water instead... i went to be to early... i sucked cause
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i know exactly how you feel a lot of the time. like... people use to say that shit to me all the time, and these were my FRIENDS. just stuff they thought was funny and i was like no really... that hurts. like the lazy thing, people use to call me that all the time. it would piss me off so much because i would think "just because i don't want to fucking go running, or hiking around for no apparent reason, or get sweaty does not make me lazy. i'm capable thanks." it would piss me off SO much.
as hard as it is you just have to stop thinking about it so much. you'll stop feeling oversensitive (which i don't think you're being, i think you are being perfectly rational, but i'll use your words) if you just stop worrying about what they think about you. eventually it won't be amusing to them to make fun of you if you don't react. and if they don't stop, fuck them they're not worth it. go make friends with the adults, because sometimes they're way cooler.
i love you so much katie, you don't even know. and i miss you a lot. and if you needed a way home, i would drive there to get you. just keep that in mind. :)
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