Apr 11, 2005 08:12
This past weekend was my last weekend in Lyon! I'll be on vacation the next three weekends, and then I'll be home on May 5th. Like I mentioned on Friday, this is my last week of teaching. My contract extends to the end of April (and I have to stay until then to get my last paycheck), but the last two weeks of this month are school vacation. Leslie and I are going traveling again, although this time or destination cities are significantly warmer; we'll be going to Bordeaux, Madrid, Lisbon, Cadiz, Valencia, Barcelona, Nice, and Cannes.
We had planned to go to Paris last weekend, but in the end we decided we'd rather just spend our last weekend here. One of my friends is leaving town this Thursday, and I won't see her again before I come home. Most of the others will leave to go on vacation while Leslie and I are gone, and they won't get back to Lyon until after we fly home, so I won't see them after Friday. We've all been trying to make the most of our last couple of weeks together, which mainly means we've been going out almost every night. On Wednesday we're making reservations to eat together at a nice restaurant.
Saturday night, Leslie, Joanne, and I were walking home from a bar, and Jo mentioned she couldn't go out this week because her family was coming into town. Then we all stopped and looked at each other, and Leslie said, "You mean last Tuesday was our last night at Ayer's Rock together, and we didn't even realize it?" For a moment we all got really upset; we nearly started crying in the street near a kebab shop! Luckily, Jo realized she had her dates wrong and her family wasn't coming until the week Leslie and I leave, so our final Tuesday night will actually occur this week.
It's bittersweet. I'm excited to come home, to see all the people I care about from whom I've been so far away for so long. I'm also sad, though; I've made some good friends here, and I'm going to miss them.