Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck summoned to court

Dec 04, 2007 15:29

MICKEY Mouse and Donald Duck will finally get their day in court if summons served by judicial authorities in Italy are to be believed.

In what appears to be a bizarre bureaucratic blunder, the Disney cartoon characters have been named as witnesses in the trial of a Chinese man accused of peddling counterfeit toys and decals bearing the images of the pair.

A copy of the summons obtained by Milan-based newspaper Corriere della Sera says Signor Topolino (Mickey Mouse) and Signor Paperino (Donald Duck) are kindly instructed to appear before the Naples Tribunal on December 7.

The summons originally compiled by officials in Naples was later reproduced by a Milan judicial office and delivered to lawyers representing the US-based Walt Disney company, owner of the trademarks for the cartoon characters.

Judicial authorities weren't immediately available for comment but Corriere della Sera suggests it's unlikely the star witnesses will show up in court.

If I worked for Disney, I would show up to court dressed as one of the characters, and then only answer questions in mime (since they aren't allowed to talk).

I would then, of course, immediately be held in contempt of court and be thrown in jail, but it'd be totally worth it.

news, disney, pop culture, movies, news articles, law

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