This is making me happier than I thought possible right now:
*edit* I'm rather amused the Balrog from my day-calender is whipping the milkshake. ;)
It's a milkshake. From WaWa. F'real! :D
In other news, today I convinced my mother that Singing in the Rain was about nazis. And that Gene Kelly is a SS officer who falls in love with a Jewish girl. And that the rain he's singing in is actually ash from a nearby concentration camp. My mother, mind you, is not an idiot. This took me about 15 minutes, and included a lot of quick thinking. ("You know Gene Kelly won an Oscar for an American in Paris right? American. In. Paris. Totally about D-Day. Kelly was obsessed with the war ever since his brother was shot by a sniper.")
I really like Tec nights. I'm not athletic in the least, but I love running around and lifting heavy objects and nailing stuff. Today I got to climb up a very very very tall ladder and walk around the top of the theater. *grin*
I decided to take my radio show seriously this year. Of course the logical next step is to make it a myspace group:
I'm not trying to pimp it, if you don't listen to the show don't friend it. Though, you should be listening.
Rachel did the layout for me. I'm thinking I'll use it to update if I have special guests or themed shows (which I plan on having). Right now its got my playlists on it.
I messaged Harry and the Potters and told them I'd love to interview them. I'm also messaging The Dresdon Dolls and Taking Back Sunday. I have a strong feeling HatP is the only interview I'll come close to getting...
I found beauty in the mundane tonight. God help me always be this happy.