Aug 28, 2007 13:28
It has been awhile; in fact I don’t even remember the last time I wrote a blurb about my life. I graduated and am in the process of applying to graduate schools for all different degree programs. I am still trying to figure out exactly what I would like to do. Maybe business, maybe therapy…who knows.
Kevin and I have officially moved into our new place. I am still getting used to the smallness of it, but I have to keep reminding myself that a beautiful new home with all the fixin’s will grace my life hopefully within the next year. I went over the clubhouse at Seven Oaks today and got my membership card for all of their facilities including a water slide! Yay! Quite exciting.
Other than that, things have been pretty blah. Not being in school has certainly sent my mind for a loop. I did join a gym and do work out 4 times a week, but other than that my schedule hasn’t changed. I am thinking about joining a theatre company in Tampa or possibly getting back into singing and whatnot. After all, it was my passion for quite sometime.
Saturday night Kevin and I actually went out with the band for fun and it was a riot. We obviously played babysitter because we are not into the bar scene what-so-ever, but it was fun to get together with everyone just for a night out on the town and thankfully they all made it home safely.
Last night was my grandparent’s 52nd wedding anniversary, so I gave them a call. It is always a hoot to talk to my grandmother especially about modern relationships. But it was nice to tell her my thoughts on my relationship with Kevin and get her opinion…she rocks my world! :)
Well, I am out of here…much work needs to be done in my office…have a nice day everyone…and for those back in school…good luck this semester.
PS. I am so overly addicted to "Hairspray", it is kind of sick.