May 02, 2008 00:04
Due to my recent string of rejections from various organizations, I was planning on applying for Peace Corps and calling it good. However today I may have decided on a different course of action. It will still involve Peace Corps, but I think I may apply to graduate school and defer going for two years. The benefit is that I'll know I have place at whatever institution I am accepted to when I get back, whereas my original plan was to start applying to graduate schools two years from now. That also means this summer can be dedicated to finding a part-time job, taking the Chem-GRE, and getting my letters of recommendations in order. I will also get to stay in Seattle with my lovely boyfriend longer (Side note, we just signed for an AWESOME APARTMENT!!!). Also I was talking to one of my favorite professors at a dinner a few weeks ago. This guy is not easily impressed and doesn't try to puff up his student's egos. (The first day of class he said Americans have too much confidence in their science-abilities without any real merit and don't need to have their hands held.) But this guy told me, flat out, that I could get into any graduate school I wanted. We're talking MIT, Caltech, Berkeley, Havard, you name it!!! Maybe that's true, maybe it isn't, but its nice to think you can be good at something. I tried applying to other things outside of chemistry, but maybe I need to stick to my major. And I am actually kind of excited to start the process!!!