Nov 06, 2006 18:34
Well I'm now 22 and when I look back at my life I look at what HASN'T been accomplished..Granted I am in the process of getting all of that at job corps but still nada has been done. On another note I didn't get elected for student government president last monday after all so :( w.e um I was however appointed treasurer haha me in charge of money yea now that a scary thought hehe. Um, So yea halloween was good I went downtown with my sister and my friend tyrone that was fun especially because alex showed up and well yea we had fun at the club. Um I went to the docs while I was back home and they said that the reason why I had been having my chronic headaches were due to the fact that I have chronic sinusitis..I think my left sinus is blocked and its builing mucas or something or another around it and that I'm eventually gonna need surgery. YIKES more surgery on my face Um no thanks unless ur taking my tonsils out I don't want you touching Uhhh I'm soo worn out..grr.. lol.. I was busy all day today it's just rediculous. Well thats that for now sorry I'm jumping all over the place with stuff to talk about I just write how I think.