(no subject)

Mar 16, 2005 19:00

Hey, look, it's like the millionth quiz. I'm so bored, and I have journal writing block. Besides, this quiz has a bunch of random questions, not just "What's your favorite color" and that stuff.

.: x Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4. Write down what it says: There's like no books in the computer room. There's a JC Penny catalog... "with a touch of stretch for flattering comfort".
.: x Stretch your left arm out as far as you can. What do you touch first? Dad's desk, covered in papers.
.: x What is the last thing you watched on TV? Food Network (because someone told me to! haha)
.: x Without looking, guess what time it is: 7:00
.: x Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 7:03 (OK, I confess, I looked at the clock before I started typing)
.: x With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Cars going by.
.: x When did you last step outside? What were you doing? When I got out of the car when I got home from school
.: x Before you came to this website [started this survey], what did you look at? IM windows
.: x What are you wearing? jeans and a hoodie. so comfy.
.: x Did you dream last night? nope
.: x When did you last laugh? Um... I can't really remember... oh yeah! At play practice.
.: x What is on the walls of the room you are in? Yucky old wallpaper that's peeling a little... our house is older than dirt. And some pictures and stuff.
.: x Seen anything weird lately? Not really, but seeing weird things reminds me of last summer when we drove by some guy standing at the side of the road flailing a big heavy sword around for no reason.
.: x What do you think of this quiz? it beats doinf homework
.: x What is the last film you saw? Collateral... somebody rented it.
.: x If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy first? A pizza... really. I'm hungry.
.: x Tell me something about you that I don't know: I don't know what you know. Hmm... my fingers are cold right now?
.: x If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do? Make everyone accepting and knowledgeable about all other people, then cure cancer and AIDS and war and all that stuff.
.: x Do you like to dance? No. Not unless I'm with people who I feel wouldn't judge me, and that really never happens. And when it does, I don't feel like dancing, haha.
.: x George Bush: .... *cricket* ....
.: x Imagine your first child is a girl, what do you call her? a boy, what do you call him? cute and adorable. Oh, names? I really don't know. If I ever have kids, I would hope two people were deciding on the name anyway.
.: x would u ever consider living abroad? Heck yes!
.: x What do you want God to say to you when you reach the pearly gates? "It's ok, I reminded your neighbor to feed the cat." I don't know what he'd say!

---> You

.: x full name- Katharine Nathalie Mead
.: x height- 5'9" ish... I think
.: x hair color- red auburn goldy?

.: x real hair color- same as above
.: x eye color- hazel... at the moment it's boring grey green blueish.
.: x birthday- January 24
.: x age- 15

.: x name of school- OFA
.: x grade- 9th
.: x nicest teacher- Nicest? I dunno... I like some teachers, but they're not particularly NICE. Maybe Mrs. Murphy, because she gave me the absolute softest tissue. Puffs with Lotion or something.
.: x meanest teacher- *chants* Con-nor! Con-nor!
.: x best class- French, I suspose. Don't have any super awesome classes this year.

.: x best subject- Isn't that the same thing? For our school at least...
.: x worst class- Hmm, gym. The grading is messed up.
.: x worst subject- ditto
.: x what do you think about PE or athletics? I like doing stuff in gym, even though the grade isn't great. I also like playing some sports, even though I suck. I'm still competitive, and at least I TRY.

.: x drink- Juice or Snapple or TEA.
.: x ice cream flavor- mint chocolate chip, phish food, panda paws, cookie dough... mmmm I heart ice cream!
.: x smell- food. good food.
.: x sport- tennis, because it's the only thing I really play on a team.
.: x channel- I like the main networks sometimes, and VH1, Food (when I'm bored and there's nothing else on... some chefs are just plain CRAZY)
.: x celebrity-enh... the all knowing Nina who I stole this from said: jason mraz, all of something corporate, zach braff. I'll add to that Johnny Depp (because I like movies he was in) and other people I can't think of right now.
.: x memory- I don't think I have one.
.: x candy- Waaaaay too many. Chocolate, mostly. (Hm, all I'm talking about is food and candy. I should eat dinner.)
.: x show- I dunno...
.: x animal- Don't have one.

This or that
.: x roses or daisies- roses
.: x cell phone or AIM- AIM
.: x mall or movies- both because thats all there is to do in the bloody suburbs (True dat Nina. haha, I said true dat.)
.: x tv or computer- computer
.: x cat or dog- cat
.: x rock or rap- rock
.: x water or milk- if I'm tired, like after running or sports, water. If I'm just thirsty at home, water or maybe milk. With dinner... milk.
.: x shorts or pants- pants
.: x dinner and a movie or walk on the beach- walk on the beach
.: x blue or pink- blue
.: x color or black and white- color
.: x friends or family- friends...sometimes...family sometimes
.: x baseball or basketball- baseball I guess, but I don't really care. Not big into watching sports.
.: x coke or pepsi- coke! I don't even drink soda that much, but I still prefer Coke over Pepsi.
.: x bright or dark- depends on my mood

Well THAT was fun. Not really, but now I wasted time! YAY.
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