Jun 06, 2010 15:05
My name is Katie! I love to write. I intend to post fan fictions here, so read them please! My fan followings include Samurai 7, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Naruto. I like so many animes though so its hard to list them all without giving you all eye strain.
I'll mark journal entries as JE, and fictions as FICS for your convenience. I'll leave my page pretty open, but remember: if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all. This includes to me or to anyone else on the page.
But still, I'm happy to finally have a LiveJournal! I might be slow at first, but believe me, I'll get into the swing of things soon enough. I hope we can be friends and that you can read my fictions. You don't have to like them, but your effort would be appreciated.
Remember, life is what you make of it, so make it enjoyable. Anything is what you make it to be.
With love, KatieKat94