Jun 01, 2006 10:16

So as most of you already know I'm pregnant. Although I'm not married (just engaged), I'm ultra excited. A baby is a complete blessing. No its not exactly planned, and it would have been nice to have school finished, but I couldn't be more happy. It is a reason to celebrate. This baby will grow up with so much love from not only matt and me but from both of our families, and I believe that Matt and I will make good parents. So with that being said here is whats been going on.

My symptoms are as follows, sore tender boobs, boobs are starting to get bigger and the aereola is darkening, I have been having some cravings already (mostly pickles and fruits), I'm moody, more tired than normal, I've been having hiccups like crazy, and I have to pee honest to god like every hour. So far no morning sickness....knock on wood!

Yesterday we went to Pregnancy Resource Center and got confirmation of the pregnancy. They were extremely nice there and gave us so much useful information. I think I may volunteer there and help out some. From there we walked over to the Cherry Street Health Clinic. There we filled out paper work galore. We applied for MOMS Medicaid. We most likely will get approved, according to the paper work guy. So I currently have this 45 day pass until I get my card in the mail. I hope/pray I get approved. If we are approved, we won't have to worry about any of the bills from the pregnancy. That would for sure be a god send. From there I made my first ob appointment. Its scheduled for June 8th at 8am. I'm nervous but excited at the same time. After that appt. I will get to look into wic. I sure as heck hope that we qualify but I have a feeling that Matt's income alone will put us over the limit. POOP! In the meantime I have already started my vitamins. Seems as though everything is coming along right now.

On top of an already busy day...Matt told his mom. He was so nervous, and kept trying to hint around...but she wasn't biting the bait. He ended up having to tell her outright. She was very happy and excited. She of course was crying and overjoyed and her only problem was that we told her over the phone. I'm so glad he told her because it will be nice to have someone to talk to who has already been there. Not to mention I'm not telling my parents for awhile. My brother's graduation is June 6th. We have several relatives over from out of town and then his graduation party is June 24th! I would love to tell them now but I don't want to steal Steve's moment of Glory nor do I want to tell the parents in front of the entire family. Then they are heading off to Europe (england and Ireland) for 2.5 weeks starting on June 28th (only 4 days after my brothers grad party). Yes it is a busy time and I think I will only cause more stress for them at this point. I think the way we are going to tell my parents is by writing a letter so they can get over the shock of things. We will leave it on the table for them along with a hat for my dad and a shirt for my mom that says "I'm going to be a grandma/grandpa". Yet they won't get it until they get back from their vacation. It just sucks because I really want to talk to my mommy and right now I can't. I think in the end she will be happy though.

Now I'm awake but still very tired after waking up so much to go pee. I'm also very hungry and mac and chez sounds so wonderful! So I am off to cook, take my vitamin and perhaps taking a short nap before having to go to work!

here is what we know so far.

I'll be 7 weeks along on Sat. So count from that point on.
The suggested Due date is Jan. 22, 2007
We'll be able to know the sex of the baby on Sept. 2, 2006
Matt says the baby looks like a peanut right now so the baby's name is peanut for the time being!
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