(no subject)

Nov 23, 2004 21:21

So this is the long entry that i promised. and i think its just going to be me rambbling and rambbling on and on and on about what is bothering me. The first thing that's bothering me is how much disreguard other people have for their friends. if someone is your friend you would think that you woudlnt' dick them over right? yeah well this is true for alot of poeple. People dick over their friends all the time and there is really no need for it at all. Especially wen the bitchy friend is trying to steal the friend they dicked over from someone that they love. People can just be gay alot and i'm sick of it. You really shouldn't try to steal people away from other people, especially if they are happy.

And i am also pissed when people don't just accept my views for what they are. They have worked out for me for a couple of years so i think i'll keep em. Sorry if you don't like them.

Now i dunno whatelse to say. i really do like my life, its not bad at all. its actully quite enjoyable, while i'm at school. but while i'm at home these rules really aren't working out. I'm a big girl and can take care of myslef. but anyway i'm just venting. and this wasn't reall that long. so i'm sorry. maybe there will just be lots of entries this week while home. but hopefully i'll be seein lots of my friends over break. anyway, thats all i have for now.
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