I love my girls!!

Aug 20, 2004 23:46

Tina...I've never had more fun with one person EVER! Your crazy in that sooo much fun kinda way. I love you girl and woudln't take back our good times together at all. Even though we have drifted apart at times, we somehow always seem to come back together which is a great thing. Threw boys, bitches, and everything inbetween we've always come back, and i know that we always will. I love you girl and I hope you have sooo much fun at ESU!

Laura, Jess, and Mary...I love you more than i could possibly ever say. I'm serious, there has been so much that we have all gone threw together. And i would NOT take a single minuit back. Threw all the good and the bad that has happened in my life, you girls have always been there for me, and i know that you will still be there threw the next couple weeks and months and how hard they are going to be. and i know that you know that i'm here for you girls too. I'm just a phone call or IM away. I really have no words to say. I was all siked to write a big long spheel about you girls, but there are really no words for me to tell you all how much i love you and how much i'm going to miss you. Kindergarden/1st grade is a long time to be friends, bestfriends with someone. And the four of us together is even more impresive! Its also really strange to think that i've known you girls long then my step-family. HAHA. SOOOO many memories, from Pinnochio to the Senior Prom. As i sit here and look back on the years, i don't know how i could have gotten threw them all with out you girls, and even though i wasn't in school with you guys half the time, it really didn't matter we are still as close as we always were, and always will be. I really don't knwo what else to say because i can't think of what to say cause there is nothing to say. I love you girls, and your going to be my bridesmaids when the time comes!! I LOVE YOU GIRLS MORE THAN YOU KNOW!
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