I worry about the weirdest stuff

Dec 20, 2005 13:22

I just don't know why everything has to change. Why do people really grow up. I mean honestly has anything ever really good come of growing up and becoming an whole other person. I don't see any reason why we should. I am just sad right now. This year has been about growing up for a lot of us and I am not sure I was really ready to face it. I just ( Read more... )

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don't know if this makes any sence... oh well hannahalley December 22 2005, 06:32:55 UTC
I don't think it's necessarily the fact that we change... I think that when we get older, we think alot more. When I mean alot, I mean A WHOLE BUNCH more about everything. And in some cases we think a whole lot less about things, like drinking...when we were youunger we knew drinking and stuff was bad... but where did that go? But I really do think we "think" alot more. What will they think of me if I say, or do this? When we were little we got along with everyone, and didn't really care what was good or bad for us... now that's ALL we care about. What others think, what is healthy, what we need, what we don't need, what we want other people to percieve us as, how can I achieve this, ect....

This thinking makes us change. It's not that we change ourselves completely... I know I have changed in little ways, but I'm the same old me. The core of who hannah is is still there... the core of who MB, Chris and who you are is still there. We are still kind, caring, thoughful, goofy, smart, crazy people we always were... :o) Our habits, and our action though are a little more driven towards who we think and wnat ourselves to be.... does that make sense? Growing up is a good thing... everyone grows up. They have to- no way of getting around it. I'm excited for the independence and adventures it will bring... Don't be afraid of it Katie. Embrace it.


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