Jan 14, 2008 22:12
My mouth hurts. More specifically, the right back area of my tongue hurts. I had my first (and only) filling today, and really could have done without the experience. I mean, the whole numb-the-entire-right-side-of-my-face thing was fun for awhile, but then the numbness wears off, and you realize that while your face was numb, you accidently bit both your tongue and the inside of your cheek. So now, I have pain. On top of that, I just don't like the way the filling feels. It's not the smoothness of my own tooth, it's this plastery feeling, and there's a pointy part that the dentist didn't sand down. Is this what it's going to always feel like? Damn it, WHY, CAVITY??? WHY????
In other news, my computer crashed yesterday and I lost all music that wasn't on my mp3 player, all my movies, and any other stuff I might have had on there. It was a sad day, but an affective way of cleaning out my computer. Still, I wouldn't recommend it.
As far as me getting a dog...it is still not happening. So, I am considering attempting to fill the void in other ways. Yes, my cat, Paisly, is adorable (although, quite insane) and I love her dearly and wouldn't trade her for any other cat in the world, BUT....she is no dog. So, what are my other avenues? A bird?...a bit boring, and you can't play with it. Fish? no. Guinea Pigs? some of you may know how I feel about Guinea Pigs.
Nope, I think the end result is I am intending to get a bunny or two this spring. That's the plan.