Not having a Good Day....

Nov 22, 2010 15:38

So I didn't get into the musical I got called back for. Looks like they wanted better dancers than singers. And seeing as I can't pirouette to save my life... well yeah. Didn't make it. I'm not even that mad about it, since I can just do a crew job and still be involved and stuff.

What's really got my goat today is this: They're rebooting Buffy as a movie... without Joss.

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HO MY GOD I AM GONNA KILL WARNER BROTHERS!!!!!!!!! I read one article that claimed they wanted to reboot it because Buffy comes with a built in fanbase. BUILT IN FANBASE MY ASS!!!!! We care about Joss and his vision, and how smart the show and the writing were, and the ORIGINAL actors, not about how trendy vampires are right now. And that is the only reason why they're doing this, so that they can rake in the cash cow that is the vampire fad right now.

It's not even that I'm worried them butchering canon or the characters; I'm worried about the vampire-crazed Twihards they're going to sic on MY FANDOM!!!!!!!!!!! I've always loved the fandom because although many of squee over Angel's smolder or Spike's abs, those same people can also have an intellectual discussion about the philosophical consequences of the way each obtained their souls. I don't want vapid fangirls sullying the integrity of my life's passion. I've been in this fandom since I was 11, and it became a home for me when I felt most alone and bullied. I hate to say it, but I've loved that Buffy has always been Us versus Them, Nerds against the establishment of Television. People find they're way naturally to the fandom, and it's almost like a trial of fire nerd test, like only the nerdiest will find their way here. Now newer generations are going to find us through the hype machine of the entertainment industry, and quite frankly it saddens me. Sure there will be those few that haven't found the fandom/show who do will understand it like the current fandom does. But I'm afraid of the countless others, the hoardes of crazy that may just descend upon us. Now even I realize that I sound quite elitist and snobby about something as quote unquote "silly" as a TV show, but this is something near and dear to my heart. This is something that pulled me out of low self-esteem and depression, and it means that and so much more to thousands of people around the world. I don't want it to be commercialized, and I don't want to be driven out of my home.

Now I know what Star Trek fans felt when JJ Abrams messed with their fandom...

buffy the vampire slayer, fangirl, buffy, rage, reboot, rant

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