Apr 03, 2010 01:15
I know, I know. I entirely fell off the wagon. I blame it on the combination of finals/Spring Break/laziness. But now I'm going to set the bar a little lower, as to appease my laziness/make this more manageable.
So what have I been doing during my LJ absence? Glad you asked...
1) Finished finals. Managed a 3.7. Was completely exhausted.
2) Caught up with all my friends and family in like, a week. This included:
-Going to Baker Beach with Suzanne, Kristine, and Eli
-Going to Felicity's 18th Birthday Party and watching everyone play dodgeball. Well, that and getting hit in the head with one of said dodgeballs.
-Going to the King Tut and Cartier exhibits in SF before they were gone. Both awesome... and reeeeeeally shiny.
-Going to the Cheesecake Factory with the Lunch Group (12 of us, anyways), then to Rick's house where we played an entire game of LIFE, the Simpsons version.
3) Painted my entire bedroom purple. It looks awesome, but ho bejeezus I'm still sore from it. Painting's haaaaaard /whine
4) My friend Liz, from CSU Fresno was on Spring Break during this first week, so she crashed on my floor for 4 days. We went to the beach, got followed by drunk people, got gelato, went to the beach again later with our mutual camp friend Kav, saw She's Out Of My League (for which there will be a later blog, because it was so awesome), and karaoked to White and Nerdy.
So that's been my life, in a nutshell. At least for now. I'm planning to see How to Train Your Dragon tomorrow, on top of homework and Battle of the Bands! So off to bed for me.
the lunch group,
cheesecake factory,
birthday party,
spring break