
Oct 01, 2008 17:50

So, the pain has gone down very much.  I'm thankful for that.  Ive got to get my american government done so I can get my stupid ass science & math.  Then English, then DIPLOMA =D

Ive got some fresh ideas for my screenplay so I'll be working on that as much as I possibly can.  I'm extremely serious about it now.  It's all ive been thinking about.  It's gonna happen one day, it is.

Ive been optimistic about many things lately.  So, I guess that's good?

My mom braught up a good "thing" with my mouth situation.  Since I can't really eat solid food at the moment, That means i'm eating LESS Food, so hopefully i'll lose a couple pounds this week haha.  Even though it sounds horrible.  But, whatever.

I wanna go to Gibraltar soon.  They have this place in the antique section that sells pictures for like a buck, I got some Elvis ones and a Grease one a while back.  I wanna get some more Elvis ones, and I wanna get a couple Marilyn Monroe ones.  I hope we go soon.

I'm thinking about sucking it up and applying to 7-11.  I need money, badly.  But, in order to do that, I need to get my State I.D.  Blah.  I hate being an adult.  And if you're wondering why I would need to "Suck it up" to apply to 7-11, it's one of the 7-11's connected to a gas station.  I'm paranoid it'll get robbed or something haha.  I'm considering applying at the grocery store & Video store down the street too, It's about a half a mile-mile down the street.  I just wouldnt wanna walk in the winter.  But oh well, I NEED money. 
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