Sep 20, 2006 21:13
After an 8 hour day of sitting in the same seat for 3 hours at a time, I am having a hard time concentrating on my reading assignment. Not sure why. Hmm...
Today was quite stressful, to say the least. Started off with a lovely meeting about Fieldwork. The fieldwork itself seems like its going to be the easy part. The shots and crap that needs to be done before it however, seems like it could be quite stressful/painful/expensive. I think the thing that scared me most was the idea of Level 2 Fieldworks. Being able to travel around the country and practice seems like a great idea. However, I just don't think that I can do it. Having to think about this all of a sudden is quite scary. What do I want to do? Do I want to go to Virginia? Do I want to go to Grand Rapids? She said that we could probably do our second Level 1s in Grand Rapids. Would I rather just do the Mary Free Bed thing then? Would I even get in there? So many things to think about. I know that you want me to experience all that I can experinece, but right now I have tears in my eyes even thinking about leaving you and I know it'd only probably only be for 3 months, and I know that none of this would even happen for another year. Needless to say this was a lot to think about at 10 am.
Then after that we got to PBL. Karen was gone so we had Jackie. That was quite stressful. She kept asking us questions that we had no idea how to answer or even what she was talking about. We all feel like we got jipped. Jackie seems like such a better teacher and seemed to actually be helpful.
When we finally got to the seminar part of the day after working through lunch, Jackie gave us stress balls. It was quite fun. That is until in the middle of class mine busted open. Flour everywhere. Absolutely everywhere. My pants, shirt, notebook, planner, pen, chair, desk. Flour makes quite the mess, incase you didnt know. Everyone was just thankful that I didn't puke. They said that I could break as many stress balls as I wanted, just as long as I didnt puke.
It is amazing how much better I have gotten to know these girls in the past week. I like it, a lot.