Mar 24, 2006 00:15
please, go right ahead and use my shit. please use my smoothie maker and be sure to get smoothie all over the floor and the counter. but dont you bother to clean it up, ill just do it next week when i get sick of living in a pig stein. i wont bother to use your things, such as a tablespoon of ketchup once a month because it has your fucking name on it. god forbid i use a tiny bit of it. whos donuts were those? i didn't know since we buy donuts nad eat them all the fucking time. good thing you put your name on them cause otherwise i wouldnt have known. oh my its 74 freakin degrees in this place and its 50 outside. we must leave the friggin heat on though because we walk around naked. have you ever heard of clothes? or perhaps covers? obviously not. and please, i love it when you are super loud right around hte time when im going ot bed. please laugh as loud as possible and as obnoxious as possilbe, i really enjoy that. oh and backstreet boys, theyre my favorite. please play them full freaking blast and sing with them, out of tune of course. oh and when you realize that im pissed please ask her if im okay. since you sincerly care. and when he comes to visit, please, try your best to be an angel to me. i really appreciate it when youre fake just to try to prove a point to him. if you would have handled all of this differently and not been such a freakin whore maybe this would have been avoided. but nope, thats impossible. we could have all gotten along, and made everyone elses lives a hellova lot better. but nope would rather not do that. and please, go right ahead and take the day off. poor you. he was here for a week and you couldnt go to class or get anything done, so you better take another day off and finish your homework, i mean get caught up on facebook and talking to him on aim. oh and i put the sticky note on your door for the fucking cable bill over 3 weeks ago. you walk into your room each day and see the note, but yet you refuse to pay me. i am going to start charging you interest. seriously, i have enough money in the bank to cover this, but can you have some respect? i thought it couldnt get any worse, but each year of my college career has gotten worse and worse. 139 days, i cant freakin wait.