
Jun 13, 2005 23:08

Well Friday was the big move. My dad and J's parents helped us move into the new house. It's almost surreal. I keep kind of waiting for it to be time to go back to the old apartment. This is a big thing for me in many different ways. For one, I can't believe I own my own house (and I'm living in it finally!). I feel old now, I know that I'm not, but I still feel old. Second, I can't believe I don't live with justzach81 anymore. We lived together for 4 years, and it just doesn't seem right without him around. I had to call him for tech support help today, and it was weird that he wasn't just here. I know I will adjust, but part of me doesn't really want to I guess. Thirdly, J and I are living together and that's just scary. I always said I didn't want to live with someone until I got married. But I also realized that the best way to know if you are able to live with someone forever is to actually test it out. This will tell us for sure if we are ready to go the next step. Speaking of which, the plan is that we are going to get engaged sometime this winter (assuming everything goes well with the whole living together thing!). I'm so excited about going to this next step together, but it's also scary. I'm reminded of the Friends episode when Chandler and Monica are moving in together and she says "I have to live with a boy!" and starts crying. It's like that. I want to do it, but it's so frightening at the same time because it definitely makes me feel old and also because I've never been on this level with someone before. I've never wanted to share everything with someone like this before. It's incredible, but scary too (have I said that yet?) Anyway, he was telling me the other day how he's so excited because he feels like now we are starting our own little family. We are moving on from our own individual families and making one of our own. And that doesn't have anything to do with kids, it's just about us going to the next level or something. I know it all sounds really cheesy, but it's also true at the same time.

Okay, enough of that. So, we moved Friday and I still have WAY too much shit that I don't know what to do with. I've never had this much space before, but somehow it seemed easier before to find a place for everything. I guess now it's just that I don't have to fit everything into my bedroom and it's hard to pick out what room to put it all in! I can't wait to start doing the fun part and start decorating, but right now it's the not fun part of unpacking and moving furniture and all of that. Luckily I have a guy to help me with all of the really physical, muscle requiring parts! There's more, but I'm tired of typing, so I hope everyone is doing well. I'm definitely not caught up on reading my LJ, so if anything exciting has happened, let me know!
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