(no subject)

May 12, 2008 15:26

I love England/Scotland!

This trip has been amazing and heartbreaking all at once. I really wish they hadn't made such a big deal about stuff I cant do... it would make the trip a whole hell of a lot easier. Anyway heres a run down on what Ive been up to:

First off I have drank more in the past weeks than I have in my entire life as a drinker. The boys on the trip have taken good care of me. They find me, as you do in Ames, a total riot while intoxicated, and I pretty much dont have to pay for drinks here. The pubs are amazingly cute and full of cool interesting people to watch. You know me and people watching. Two boys in particular have been taking care of me: Jake and Jayde. Jayde has become my Gabe of the trip and he and I are pretty close in multiple ways. Hes fantastic and I owe him big time when I get back to the states.

London was fast pased and we didnt have ANY free time. They figured out a way to take me on the tube. Which was terrifying and I still wonder how people get around without the possy I had. The boys were carrying me up and down steps DC style and I was even doing escalators in the chair. Terrifying yeah?

By far the best show we have seen here which we have seen six or seven is the Royal Shakespeare Company's production of Henry VI part iii. A-freaking-MAZING. I did not want to leave that theatre. They knew how to act and how to put on a show it was wonderful. Shakespeare wasnt boring or drab, just in your face and *sigh* perfect.

We also saw a show a few nights ago called Patient #1 which is a satire on Bush. I couldnt stop laughing. For the first time in my life I felt sorry for W. It was so well written and came across both as pro and con for Bush. Wow.

The Art is to die for. Minus a few bumps in the road I have made it to Scotland in one peice. We went to the cafe where she started Harry Potter yesterday and today we have a full day free in Edinburgh. Weve gone to two museums and my friend about died for the Van Goughs.

I love this place!

PS I lost my wallet yesterday with about £50 in it, my liscense and my credit cards. At least I still have my passport, and my parents are canceling the cards.
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