Aug 02, 2005 11:00
>Have you ever:
>1. Been kissed: yea
>2. Eaten sushi: no gross
>3. Gotten hyper: yea only at nite! lol
>4. Been dumped: nope
>5. Eaten an entire pizza by yoursef?: umm no
>6. Been a rebel: umm i dont think soo lol
>8. Gotten in a car accident: nope
>9. Ever liked someone older: yeah
>10. Seen the white house: not in person lol
>11. Hiked a mountain?: nope
>12 Stayed home on a Saturday/Friday night just for
the fun of it?: i hate staying home
>13. Been in love: nope
>14. Made home made cookies (from scratch): yea lol
>15. Cold or hot: hot
>17. New or old: new
>18. Roses or daises: roses
>19. Chocolate or Vanilla ice cream: chocolate
>20. Winter or fall: fall
>21. Science or history: history
>22. Do you like someone right now: yea lol
>23. Do you have a secret crush: not realli lol
>24. What do you like in boys: idk lol
>25. In shape & muscular or not: muscular
26. Do you want a guy to ask your dad before he asks
>you out: umm no dont have a dad so it would be pointless. lol
>31. Who do you want to kiss right now: idk
>32. Who is your funniest friend: umm sammie and vinny.
>33. Who do you email the most: nobody
>37. Had a serious talk: yupp the otha nite wit vin, at 3 in the morn lol
>38. Hugged someone: yea luisa be4 sheleft cause she went to italy.
>39. Got along with your parents: sometimes
>40. Got along with your siblings: yeah
>41. Fought with a friend: not for a while
>42. Been depressed: not since last nite haha.
>43. Walk in the Rain: not in soo long lol
>44. Give hugs: to all mai frineds
>45. Ever had that falling dream: yes
>46. What turns you off: bad breath.
>47. What do you dream about?: ummm sum guy was chasing me.
>48. Who is your favorite cartoon character: sponge bob lol
>49. Do your parents ever make you mad?: only when i have to watch mai lil cuzzen i hate it!
>50. What is your favorite saying?: daz so dick! lol