Lauren has a nice ass I suggest everyone check it out
pissinirish . Nothing new here, well actually alot new, Amanda moved in, my cousin and his wife had their baby yesterday, um me and Andy are still together and loving it, Brooke pissed me off this morning like nothing else. Ramble ramble ramble.
I absolutely love spending all my time with Andy, he is the greatest guy ever, seriously I have NEVER been treated soo good in my entire life, he makes me feel sooo good. Its nice for a change, instead of me trying to make someone like and care about me, I finally have someone that truly does.
My mom is being the biggest bitch in the whole world, I guess its cause all the shit they are going through, but jesus, its getting real fucking old.
I have a paper due in english monday and I dont even have my book yet, yeah how cool am i.