Tonight the CW premieres their new show 'Nikita' and I find myself having very mixed feelings about it. On the one hand Maggie Q looks hot and sexy and totally badass. On the surface, based on the few previews I've seen it looks like a show that I would absolutely watch: female spy kicking ass and taking names. Except...I'm still kinda in love with the first Nikita, USA's 1997 'La Femme Nikita'.
LFN was a milestone for me because while it wasn't the fist show I completely immersed myself in - that would be 'Avonlea' oh so long ago. It was the first show I ever shipped (Nikita/Michael and I don't care how the show ended!). And it was the first show where I became part of fandom, where I got on this new thing called the internet (oh the horrors of dial-up) and sought out message boards and websites, discovered something called fan fiction and absolutely devoured everything I found. It was also the first show I wrote fan-fic for but the less said about that the better...lets hope and pray no copies of that POS survived. It gaves me unique characters (the computer hacker Birkoff was one of the first of his kind on TV) and interesting, morally complex storylines, introduced me to angst of the highest order and was a lot of fun. I really appreciated the character of Nikita. She was kick ass and strong and still completely female which was a pretty big deal for a teenage girl who was more athletic than she was girlie. Nikita was an action hero who was also a real person and I loved her. (No one should be surprised that later I would fall in love with Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace from 'BSG'.)
So while LFN may have jumped the shark during S3 and would eventually ended poorly it was still a pretty big deal for me and my affection for it is still strong. And I can't help feeling that this new one may just be a rip-off, a bastardization of a show I loved so much. (Taking over SPN's Thursday night slot isn't helping either. You don't relegate my show to Fridays and not annoy me CW!) So I don't know. I'm curious and kind of want to watch but I feel like I'm cheating on my old show. Maybe I'll DVR it so I don't really give it ratings (which is ridiculous as I'm not a neilsen household but it makes me feel better to think it matters). We'll see. And you never know, I may be pleasantly surprised.
On different note. I finally broke down and watched a
1 minute trailer for the new season of SPN and I'm dying. It told me nothing (for which I'm grateful. I'm determined to remain completely spoiler free) but absolutely succeeded in making me crazy excited for the new season. Despite my list of concerns. Oh Show. What you do to me.