Table for Three (spn_30snapshots) Sam/Dean

Nov 29, 2009 18:45

For spn_30snapshots ...'Table for Three'

Title: Table for Three
Author: katiebugs18
Character(s)/Pairing: Sam/Dean
Theme: #23 in Table 10: All the Pretty Pictures
Prompt(s): Kiddy table
Rating: G
Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, the boys or any other character therein.
Summary: Thanks to that damned well the boys have to fulfill Audrey's wish.
Warnings/Author Notes: I made a slight change to cannon…tossing another coin to fulfill a wish isn’t necessary. The spell holds until the wish is fulfilled. Also, this is my first attempt at humor within the SPN universe. Be kind.

Sam’s done a lot of crazy shit in the name of the job but this…this might top the list. The entire case is bat shit crazy - ridiculously good-looking chicks with weird looking guys, invisible kids loitering in the women’s…okay so that’s not too crazy (teenage boy ogling naked women, nope, not crazy) but a real live wishing well that is currently forcing them to grant Audrey’s wish and a manic depressive teddy bear? That’s just fucking nuts.

And now this.

“Um…Audrey, you know having a tea party and playing dress up are two different things right?” Sam’s doing his best to avoid the little make-up brush but the wall’s behind his head and Audrey - all 3.5 feet 50 pounds of her - has him blocked in, stuck in a stupidly small chair.

“I know. But you can’t have a tea party without dressing up and mommy says that this is how you show off pretty eyes.” And then she comes at him with an insanely sharp eye pencil.

Sam’s about to say good-bye to his right eye when Dean comes back from the kitchen, arms loaded with tea party necessities: a bag of cookies, silverware, a jug of milk, a tea pot, a Tupperware container and, yeah, that’s a bouquet of flowers.

Dean dumps everything on Audrey’s absurd purple table and turns to Sam and Audrey. His face goes from startled to horrified to gleeful as he takes in the blue eye shadow caked up to Sam’s eyebrows and the blush Audrey’s painted across his cheeks.

Dean manages about ten seconds before he starts laughing.

“Dean! You have to sit down.” Audrey’s got a dangerous glint in her eyes but Dean’s still too busy laughing to notice.

“Okay…” Dean does his best to sit on the small white chair but, like Sam, he’s more kneeling on the ground than sitting. “Why am I sitting? Is it time for tea?”

“No silly, it’s your turn.”

Audrey pulls something small and pink from her mother’s make-up bag, letting out a triumphant ‘yes’ when she does. Dean looks horrified when she advances on him, pulling back hard and fast, bashing his head into the wall.

“No. Audrey, no. Absolutely not.” Dean sounds a bit desperate. He’s remarkably good with kids - a million times better than Sam is - and he’s been nothing less than amazing with Audrey but even Dean has his limits.

“But everyone with sexy lips has to wear lip gloss. It’s the rules.” Audrey’s pouting as she grabs Dean’s chin and starts applying the gloss. It’s mostly clear with a tint of pink, glossy and wet looking and does ridiculous things to Dean’s already ridiculously kissable lips.

“Now, rub them together and…” Audrey’s lips make an exaggerated POP when she separates them. Dean grimaces when he does the same. He looks so uncomfortable Sam can’t help laughing. Dean just glares at him.

“Laugh it up. Samantha.” Yeah, should have seen that coming.


Sam honestly didn't think the day could get any worse when, just as Audrey's pouring "tea" for Dean, the sound of a shotgun going off causes everyone to jump. Sam and Dean are out of their seats so fast they upend the table, sending cookies and tea cups and the rest flying as they race across the hall to Audrey’s room.

Where they find Teddy.

Where they find Teddy with a hole through his head cursing the heavens for not ending his life. It's a particularly disturbing scene, what with white stuffing floating everywhere and Teddy's pathetic suicide note. Not to mention the 8-foot living, breathing stuffed animal with a hole through its head. Yeah. It's fucked up.

Sam has absolutely no idea what to do and Dean looks too confused to be of any use so they just...stand there. It's not like there's a whole lot they can do anyway right? It's not like Teddy's dead seeing as how he's still cursing his existence and while they're both experts with a needle and thread neither of them is actually much of a sewer (Dean tried once when they were kids and Sam ripped his favorite shirt and...epic failure). And is there even enough of Teddy's head to patch back up?

Audrey slips past them before they can stop her, takes one look at Teddy, the gun and the massive hole in the back of Teddy's head and starts sobbing and yelling.

“You’re terrible teddy bear doctors!”

Dean steps forward in an attempt to comfort her but Audrey throws herself at Teddy, crying into his big tummy, refusing to let go even as Teddy tries desperately to dislodge her.

Figuring now would be a good time to run away Sam backs out of the door slowly, Dean close behind him. Back in the relative safety of Audrey’s play room Dean rights the little table while Sam picks up what he can (pocketing the lip gloss for later…you saw what it did to Dean’s lips right?) before they both fall back into those ridiculously tiny chairs. They sit there, both trying to digest the events of the day. Dean sums it up nicely. “Dude.”


“I mean…dude.”

“Yeah.” ‘Cause really, what else can they possibly say? Except apparently…

“But hey, day’s not a total waste.”

“Yeah? How’s that Dean?”

Dean pulls off the tupperwear lid with a flourish, smile bright and happy as can be, “There’s pie.”

Sam buries his face in his hands. Because apparently, the day’s not a complete disaster, ‘cause “Yeah Dean, there’s pie.”

And lip gloss.

spn fic, sam/dean, spn_30snapshots

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