ohh look, a real post!

Jul 07, 2005 19:18

since the dept store didn't work out, sonsofbitches, i started working for terminix. I love it, you know why? because my commute is only 8 mins, i'm getting a raise (and going to be making more than my sis!)my coworkers are crackheads, my bosses are nice, and i get my own desk, and my own email and my own nextel!! muhuaahaa!

ok, anyways, this weeks been really good. I got to see rich, i got to see my friends, and i got to go to the zoo and see animal porn, quite amusing, btw the cheetahs are soo cute!!!

but today was very sad, when london got bombed and they found a bomb at heathrow airport. mj's gramma is sick and i love her gramma! so that makes me sad. so i might come down to NN this weekend w/ h er, who knows.

but i've gtg. i love y'all so much!
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