Apr 25, 2006 20:55
Not much interesting is happening.
Well, there is 11 days left until the AP Chemistry test...im a little freaked out about that...okay alot. I want to do good on it.
Also, apparently our school is not only being overrun by little russian girls but also people by the name of kathryn...hmm.
FBA state is tomorrow. Thank goodness i don't have to play part of the trio I would probably mess it up and make us do really bad. Although i am a tad sad i don't get to play it...i have mixed feeling about it. lol.
I have songs from the Lion King stuck in my head. I don't know why.
Also, I tried to play the saxaphone and the clarinet after school today. I could play some notes on the sax but for the life of me i couldnt play the clarinet. I will learn it though. maybe.
That was alot of random thoughts. I have to go read Crime and Punishment now. Joy.